Q4 - In the trap of reactiveness. Can data protection be in the driver’s seat?

20 Juni 2024, 15:00
Copper Hall - Level 0

Our discussion started with general questions about the nature of data protection and its ultimate objectives. We focused then on the specific context of the role of data protection when it comes to the position and functions of the State, including in the law enforcement area.

With these reflections, we are now ready to move to the conversation on the application of data protection in practice. We would like to assess its design (seeing the GDPR as a model) in terms of the effectiveness potential - fulfilled or not fulfilled. 

A critical look at the underlying philosophy of the functioning of the GDPR will be guided by the following questions: is there something about data protection (i.e. its individual centric character?) that makes it somewhat reactive, including on the enforcement level? Can data protection be conceptualized, implemented and developed in a way that encourages more pro-activeness? Can it be a tool for policy-makers and regulators that helps them determine and shape the future?

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