Gloria González Fuster
Prof. Dr. Gloria González Fuster is a Research Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)’s Faculty of Law & Criminology, and Director of the Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) Research Group.
She holds a research position on the theme Digitalisation and a Europe of rights and freedoms, and teaches ‘Privacy and data protection law‘ and ‘Bruxelles : La ville et le droit’ at VUB.
She contributes to various research projects, and coordinates Articulating Law, Technology, Ethics and Politics: Issues of Enforcement and Jurisdiction of EU Data Protection Law under and beyond the GDPR (ALTEP-DP).
She is a member of the European Commission’s Multistakeholder Expert Group to support the application of the GDPR, and of the Steering Committee of the Data Protection Law Scholars Network (DPSN).