Nayra Perez
Nayra Perez possesses 20 years of experience in working on the EU’s data protection, substantially working with operational personal data applicable framework. She is the Data Protection Officer (since 2017) and the Head of the Data Protection Office of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) since 2021. Before that, she was a member of the Data Protection Office at Europol for eleven years since 2006.
She was also elected Chair of Europol’s Staff Committee. As Head of the Frontex Data Protection Office, Nayra Perez strives at creating a great environment with young and experienced professionals, where through mutual assistance and companionship all professionals help to grow professionally one each other when facing data protection challenges. The Data Protection Office goal is to improve the data protection culture in our Agency and assist in the implementation of the accountability principle.
She holds a Master of Law by the University of Barcelona (CEU San Pablo- Abat Oliba), where she worked in the private sector as a lawyer advising SMEs in the implementation of the Spanish Data Protection Law. She was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria but grew up in Barcelona before her international career at EUROPOL and Frontex.