The EDPS has established an inclusive and stimulating working environment, offering professional and personal development opportunities to its staff, so that everyone can grow, achieve their career goals and reach their full potential. At the same time, our institution stays alert and is ready to adapt to an ever-changing world to meet effectively the evolving needs of the workforce, composed of different generations, and respond to emerging challenges.    

In 2025, we focus on up-skilling & re-skilling our staff to face the complexity of digital transformation and get ready for the emergence of new tasks such as those derived from the AI act. The use of new sources of knowledge, like online learning platforms, promoting  job shadowing opportunities and developing learning paths for career changes are in the pipeline.

We will use new opportunities that technologies offer and foster automation and simplification of certain of our tasks to free up staff members’ capacity to focus on strategic ones. As we integrate advanced technologies into our workplace, the focus will remain on prioritising human needs and values.

Hybrid work has had a significant impact on mental health, offering both benefits and challenges. The EDPS promotes a healthy work-life balance to support the well-being of staff with a particular focus on their mental health. We continue building a culture of support and empathy in the workplace where staff members feel valued. We will keep encouraging regular check-ins and social interactions through actions and initiatives organised by the institution.  

The EDPS is committed to make meaningful changes, prioritising sustainability as an employer, while also raising awareness on the environmental impact of the digitalisation of systems. To this end, a task force has been set up in order to analyse the areas of improvements.